Our laboratory has currently ERC and WELBIO-funded open positions for motivated students and post-docs with an interest in developing multi-disciplinary approaches to improve our understanding of endothelial biology and brain barriers in health and disease. Please send your cover letter and full CV as a single .pdf file to Benoit.Vanhollebeke@ulb.be or Maud.Martin@ulb.be.

Other options for post-doctoral funding:

Other options for PhD funding:

  • Apply to the ULB Neuroscience Institute (UNI) international PhD Program in Neuroscience. The annual call typically closes at the end of February. Please visit: https://uni.ulb.ac.be/phd-program/
  • Apply for a 4-year FRIA PhD fellowship of the FNRS. The call opens each year in July, with a submission deadline in late August. Please visit: Calendar of calls (frs-fnrs.be)